Curation Format

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Revision as of 02:23, 4 June 2020 by MagnificentNoodle (talk | contribs) (emphasize that the images, meta and content folder are required)
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This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about putting together a curation and submitting it to Flashpoint. If this is your first time contributing, be sure to follow our step-by-step tutorial.

Before You Start

Checking the Master List

Before curating, please check the Game Master List (and for animations, the Animation Master List) before possibly taking time out of your day to save something that's already been saved. Use CTRL+F to search the list of titles.

Banned Games

These are games/animations not allowed in Flashpoint for any reason. You can make an effort to get them working in Flashpoint if you want, but you may not request or submit them.

  • Games/animations that are still on sale, we will not distribute currently paid content. (Don't forget that some games start in web browsers for free then get paid versions later, the web browser version would be allowed in Flashpoint in this case; be sure to check the history before you archive.)
  • Any outright emulation of a commercial game (Such as a swf of Contra which contains the Contra ROM image). Ports of games are absolutely fine, but games that are a ROM wrapped in an emulator are not allowed unless they contain only non-commercial games and/or allow you to load your own.
    • While not emulation, fan remakes/conversions of Nintendo projects like Full Screen Mario are too risky to add if they were taken down by Nintendo. Not all remakes/conversions are risky though, if you are unsure just ask in #curators.
  • Videos embedded in SWF files:
    • If the SWF has nothing on it other than it requiring a separate FLV to run the SWF file properly (and if the FLV works perfectly fine on VLC), then it won't be allowed on Flashpoint and it should rather be uploaded through
    • If it uses any Flash elements like ui, special effects, loop etc., it can be curated.
    • This means that your curation can't be only a video embedded in a SWF.
    • Games, animations and websites that use video are allowed, and you should include the video files and/or SWFs containing video in the curation.
  • Animations using the HTML5 platform have to include animated components and make use of HTML5-specific tags, CSS, and/or Javascript.
  • Games/animations with cub, shotacon or lolicon content.
  • The following are not allowed at developer request:
    • Any game from XForm Games that is not already in the database
    • Windows 93
    • Dragon Ball Devolution, and other games from
    • Any game developed by Nitrome
    • Flash Flash Revolution
    • Any game developed by Farrago Fiction
    • Any game/animation developed by Anonymous-Frog
    • Non-classic versions of Cookie Clicker
    • Any game developed by snowmanmedia
    • Captain Imposter / Successor / Jameson + The Dawn Star by Farbs. These are still available for sale on Steam. The latter is on the beta branch.

It should go without saying that blatantly illegal games/animations are not allowed, either.

What is a Curation?

Flashpoint is not just a collection of files; it is a museum of playable web games. As in any other museum, each item needs to be curated before it can be put on display. Curating for Flashpoint is more than downloading an SWF, dropping it off in the Discord and expecting it to appear in the next update. Instead, you'll need to put together an archive file (ZIP, 7Z, etc) called a curation.

To make a curation from scratch, first create a new folder with any name (preferably the name of the game you'd like to save, but it doesn't matter). Inside of that folder, you'll add a screenshot and logo, a meta file containing metadata about the game, and a content folder containing all of the files needed to run the game; all of these are required. The following sections will explain each of these required items in detail. You can download an example curation ZIP file to see what a completed curation folder looks like. Note that you should not have both meta.txt and meta.yaml in your finished curation; using only one will suffice.

To make this process easier and reduce errors, a smaller, for-curators version of Flashpoint named Flashpoint Core was created with a special tab for curating named the "Curate" tab. This tab will allow you to automatically make new curations with the "New Curation" button, edit their logos, screenshots, and metadata quickly, and test games with the "Run" button at the bottom of each curation. You still need to manually add the content folder to curations made this way. You can download Flashpoint Core from the bottom of the downloads page, and new curations you make will be stored in a folder named "Curations" wherever you extracted Flashpoint Core. See the Curation Tutorial for more information about Flashpoint Core.


All content for each curation must be placed inside a content folder, then arranged in the same way that they would be placed in Flashpoint proper from the "Server/htdocs" folder - the best practice is to try and recreate the same structure that the game had on the internet. For example, if a game was hosted at you would create the folders in the format shown in the top example in the image below. If you cannot find the full url the game is hosted on, a secondary format is acceptable - a domain folder, a folder with the game's name, then the game files, displayed as the second example. Note that if you are using Flashpoint Core, you will still have to make this folder yourself.

Some games request files from other domains. If this is the case, you can include more than one domain folder inside of the content folder.

You might also notice that some games in Flashpoint use a domain called localflash instead of a website domain. This is a legacy practice, and it is not used anymore unless the source files come from a CD, ZIP file, or other offline location.


Logos must be in PNG format. A good logo shows the entire title of a game or something else that is representative of the game. It must be named logo.png and placed in your curation folder. You can add a logo to a curation in Flashpoint Core by dragging it on to the left panel above Drop an image here to add it.

Recommended tools for grabbing logos include Snipping Tool and Paint, both included in Windows 10 by default. You're free to use other tools, but remember, always save logos in PNG format.



Screenshots must be in PNG format. A good screenshot is a credible 'action shot' of the game (no menus or obvious tutorials). It must be named ss.png in your curation folder. You can add a screenshot to a curation in Flashpoint Core by dragging it on to the right panel above Drop an image here to add it.

Recommended tools for grabbing screenshots include Snipping Tool and Paint, both included in Windows 10 by default. You're free to use other tools, but remember, always save screenshots in PNG format.



The metadata for a game must be included in a file named meta.txt, meta.yaml, or meta.yml in your curation folder. It is recommended that you use Flashpoint Core's built-in "Curate" tab for entering in metadata instead of writing this file manually as this can significantly reduce errors. If you choose to create a YAML/YML file instead of a plain TXT file, check out the YAML Format article.

The table below shows all of the fields that you can include in your meta files or type into Flashpoint Core. All fields should be included if they are applicable. Pay special attention to fields marked with * - they are required fields. If a field is not applicable and not required for your curation, either omit it or leave it blank.

Many fields allow multiple values. If they do, separate each value with a semicolon and a space. For example, Value1; Value2.

Some fields have only a few possible values to choose from. If this is the case, they'll be shown in the table as a bulleted list, with the default value in italics. If you omit this type of field, it will take on its default value automatically.

If you're not sure how to use a metadata field, see the example meta file.

List of Metadata Fields

Field Explanation
Title* Always required. The name of the game, in full. When in doubt, use the name indicated in the game's logo. Use the game's official title; don't add anything to it, such as a franchise or series name, if it doesn't exist in the game's title.
Alternate Titles Alternate titles that can also be used to refer to the game. For example, an alternate name for Gateway II is Gateway 2. You also may use this to indicate the title of the game in other languages. Normal rules pertaining to Title field do not apply. Use ; to separate multiple values.
Library* Required if you are curating an animation for Flashpoint Theatre. Possible values:
  • Arcade: This is a game that should go in Flashpoint Arcade (the Games section).
  • Theatre: This is an animation that should go in Flashpoint Theatre (the Animations section).
Series The name of the specific-to-webgames series. This is for games that have prequels and sequels, such as Run, Run 2, and Run 3. Make sure you're not confusing a game's series with it's franchises (e.g., The Fairly OddParents or Pokemon), which go into the Tags field.
Developer The name of the developer(s) who made the game. Separate multiple developers with ; . Make sure that each person or game studio actually developed the game; sponsorship does not count. Look for a Credits section! If a developer is known by multiple names or aliases, you may separate each with a slash, like this: Kajenx / Lucas Paakh
Publisher The site that published (sponsored/branded) the game. Look for a "More Games" link or prominent logo; it will probably lead to the Publisher's website.
Play Mode Can be either one, two, or all three of these values:
  • Single Player: A solo experience from start to finish.
  • Cooperative: Like "Single Player", but with others being in the journey of finishing the game from start to finish.
  • Multiplayer: Playing against someone else or multiple players in a session, competing to win.

For example, a fighting game where you can play against another player or the computer would be Single Player; Multiplayer.

  • Playable: Fully playable from beginning to end. Not hacked or modified.
  • Partial: Game is only partially playable, whether because of missing files or features that Flashpoint cannot properly implement. You'll need to elaborate further in the Notes.
  • Hacked: Game has been hacked or modified to work in Flashpoint. Use the Notes field to explain what has been modified. If you hack a game, you MUST also include the original, unhacked file(s) in your curation, even if they are just extras.

If a game is both Hacked and Partial, its status would be Hacked; Partial. The "Playable" status should not be used for Hacked or Partial games.

Release Date The date that the game was first released. Use YYYY-MM-DD format, with whatever precision is available. For example, if you knew a game was released in January 2010, you could say 2010-01.
Version The version number of the game. This is for revisions of the same game, not games in series. Leave this field blank if the game's version number is not clearly shown somewhere.
Languages* Required if you are curating a game that supports languages other than English.

A list of all languages that the game supports. Use ISO 639-1 language codes and separate each code with ; . For example, if a game supports English and Spanish, you would say en; es. Defaults to en.

Extreme* Required if you are curating something unsuitable for minors. Possible values:
  • Yes: Indicates that a game is unsuitable for minors because of excessive violence, sexual content, or other mature content.
  • No: Indicates that a game is suitable for minors.
Tags* See Tags. Separate multiple tags with a semicolon and a space, for example: Platformer; Puzzle. The section headings (Action, Adventure, etc) may be used as tags as well. Pay special attention to the tags in the Content Warnings section, because these are required if they apply to the game you are curating.
Source* The URL of the webpage where you found the game. Full URLs are preferable. If you found the game on the Wayback Machine, follow this format: Original URL (via Wayback Machine). If you found the game somewhere other than a webpage, use whatever format you find appropriate to indicate the source.
Platform* The web game technology that the game uses. See the Appendix for a list of supported platforms.

If your curation omits this field, the Platform is assumed to be Flash. This field is required for all non-Flash curations.

Application Path* The path to the application to use to launch the game. This path is relative to the main Flashpoint folder. For example, the Application Path for most Flash games is FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe.

If the Application Path is omitted, it will be automatically chosen based on the game's Platform. See the Appendix for a list of default Application Paths for each Platform. We recommend that you always use this field.

Launch Command* The location of your file inside the content folder, replicating an internet URL. This is case-sensitive. Never have https:// at the beginning of a Launch Command, as it will not work properly; ALWAYS use http://. Flashpoint DOES NOT have HTTPS support. If you found the game on the Wayback Machine, the launch command is the original URL, without the section (same goes for the folder structure inside the content folder).

This field is always required. If you're having trouble figuring out the correct launch command for your curation, see the Curation Tutorial.

Notes A message that will appear in the right panel of the launcher above the Original Description. Reserve this field for important tidbits related to how the game works that should be known before playing. If you are creating the meta file manually and need to create multiple lines for Notes, use the pipe symbol: Notes: | , then indent each line of the Notes. To see how to do this correctly, take a look at the example meta file.
Original Description If a game's webpage contains a description of the game, you may copy and paste it into this field. If you can't find a description on the game's webpage, you can check the page source for the <meta name="description"> HTML tag. If you are creating the meta file manually and need to create multiple lines for the Original Description, use the pipe symbol: Original Description: | , then indent each line.
Curation Notes Use this field to show a message to BlueMaxima if he needs to add your curation in a different way from usual. Note that Flashpoint Core currently does NOT save this field properly, so you will have to put it in your meta file manually. For multi-line Curation Notes, use the pipe symbol: Curation Notes: | , then indent each line.
Additional Applications Use this section to add a message that pops up before a game runs, a link to an Extras folder, or an alternate version of a game. For more details, see the Appendix.

A Good Meta File

Title: Alien Hominid
Developer: The Behemoth
Play Mode: Single Player
Status: Playable
Release Date: 2002-08-07
Extreme: No
Tags: Shooter
Platform: Flash
Application Path: FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe
Launch Command:
Notes: |
  This is our sample curation in Flashpoint Core.
  Multiple lines in notes and descriptions are cool.
Curation Notes: Thanks for your work!

Blank Meta File

Alternate Titles: 
Play Mode: 
Release Date: 
Application Path: 
Launch Command: 
Original Description: 
Curation Notes: 
Additional Applications: 


You'll need Flashpoint Core to test your games in a lightweight copy of Flashpoint you can afford to break.

If you've created your curation from scratch, click one of the buttons on the right-hand side of the "Curate" tab to load it into Flashpoint Core. From there, you'll be able to edit, import, and export the curation.

To test a curation in Flashpoint Core, locate the respective curation in the "Curate" tab and press the "Run" button at the bottom of it. Make sure you physically play through part of the game when testing it.

All games should be tested in Flashpoint; if not Core, then at least Ultimate. Just opening the game in a projector or browser is not enough of a test.

Packing it up

You've finished your first curation! Now follow these steps to make sure it gets added to Flashpoint:

Submitting a Curation

Submissions are uploaded in the Flashpoint Submission System, which requires you to join our Discord server first. An explanation of how the site works is available here.

If you have any questions, ask in #curators and a Curator will answer them.

After you have uploaded your curation to the website, a Curator will check it. This can take some time, so please be patient. You will be pinged in #fpfss-notifications about whether or not your submission was approved, and if any changes need to be made.

Once your first submission is approved, you'll be given the Trial Curator role. That means you will be able to submit more curations and upload bigger files.

Congratulations! Your submitted game/animation will be available to anyone using Flashpoint Infinity once a staff member marks it as "Added to Flashpoint". For users using Flashpoint Ultimate, it will appear in the next update.

Here is the full example ZIP file. (This was also linked earlier, in the Overview section).

After Submitting

Editing Your Curations

If you notice a mistake with your curation shortly after you've submitted it (and it hasn't been added to Flashpoint yet), just delete and resubmit it to the respective curation channel. (If you used our upload service, you might have to ask a Curator to delete your file for you.)

If your curation has already been added to Flashpoint, read our article on Metadata Edits and head over to the #pending-fixes channel in our Discord so you can make necessary changes. If you're wondering whether your curation has been added to Flashpoint yet, look for a :Tools: emoji reaction anywhere below your post in the Curations channel.

Having Problems?

Because we can't remind you enough already, join our Discord and ask away in the #curator-lounge channel.

Appendix I: Flashpoint Platforms

This is the page of all web game/animation technologies ("Platforms") supported by Flashpoint.

Here's what each column in each table means:

  • Logo: The logo that represents each technology.
  • Short Name: The name of the technology displayed in Flashpoint Launcher.
  • Official Name: The official name(s) of the technology. Useful for searching for information about the technology or looking for games online.
  • Entry Count: Number of game/animations for this technology in Flashpoint (as of 2025-02-15). New games are added very often, so it may not be 100% accurate.
  • Version Added: The Flashpoint version the platform was added in.
  • Default Application: The path to the default application used to launch a game of this technology.
  • Curation Tutorial: A link to a curation tutorial for this technology. Some tutorials are not available yet, so please help create them if you can!
  • Common File Extensions: List of the common file extensions associated with each platform.

Further information on each implemented platform can be found here.

Current Platforms

Platforms which are available in the latest build of Flashpoint.

As of the 2025-02-15, there are 154 total platforms, with more coming in future updates.

Logo Short Name Official Name Entry Count (primary) Entry Count (all) Version Added Default Application Curation Tutorial Common File Extensions
Flash Logo.png
Flash Adobe Flash Player 161416 161520 0 FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe Curation Tutorial, Flash Curation .swf, .swc, .swz, .spl
HTML5 Logo.png
HTML5 HTML, HTML5, WebGL, or WebAssembly 27416 34630 3.3 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe, FPSoftware\startChrome.bat HTML5 Curation .html, .htm, .php, .aspx
Shockwave Logo.png
Shockwave Adobe Shockwave Player 7228 7246 3.2 FPSoftware\Shockwave\PJ101\SPR.exe Shockwave Curation .dcr, .dir, .dxr, .cct, .cst, .cxt, .w3d
Unity Logo.png
Unity Unity Web Player 2847 2851 4.0 FPSoftware\startUnity.bat, FPSoftware\startUnityFF.bat Unity Curation .unity3d, .unityweb
Java Logo.png
Java Java Applets 2010 2024 4.1 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe, FPSoftware\startJavaInBrowser.bat Java Curation .class, .jar
Vitalize Logo.png
Vitalize Clickteam Vitalize! 902 902 8.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Vitalize Curation .ccn
EVA Logo.png
EVA Extended Vector Animation 722 722 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe EVA Curation .eva
VRML Logo.png
VRML VRML, Virtual Reality Modelling Language 550 552 8.2 Multiple, refer to curation tutorial VRML Curation .wrl, .wrz
Silverlight Logo.png
Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight 340 342 5.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Silverlight Curation .xap, .xaml
3DVIA Player Logo.png
3DVIA Player 3DVIA Player, 3D Life Player, Virtools Player 248 248 5.1 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe 3DVIA Curation .cmo, .vmo, .nmo
Alambik Logo.png
Alambik Alambik Player 200 200 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Alambik Curation .tv, .tvs, .tvd, .tvv, .tvb, .tvl
Hypercosm Logo.png
Hypercosm Hypercosm Player 186 186 8.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Hypercosm Curation .hcvm
E-animator Logo.png
e-animator E-アニメータ, SharpMotionART 154 154 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe e-animator Curation .nva
Viscape Logo.png
Viscape Superscape Viscape 147 148 8.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Viscape Curation .svr, .xvr, .ssv
ShiVa3D Logo.png
ShiVa3D ShiVa3D Plugin 147 147 7.1 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe ShiVa3D Curation .stk
Atmosphere Logo.png
Atmosphere Adobe Atmosphere Player 141 141 10.0 FPSoftware\startAtmo212d.bat Atmosphere Curation .aer, .atmo
Authorware Logo.png
Authorware Authorware Web Player 128 128 6.1 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Authorware Curation .aam, .aas
BitPlayer Logo.png
BitMagic BitMagic Player, BitPlayer 127 127 10.1 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe BitPlayer Curation .bm
LiveMath Plugin Logo.png
LiveMath LiveMath Plug-In 126 126 10.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe LiveMath Curation .thp
ActiveX Logo.png
ActiveX Each game generally uses its own ActiveX control name 121 122 6.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat ActiveX Curation .cab, .dll, .ocx
WildTangent Logo.png
WildTangent WildTangent Web Driver 117 117 12.1 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat WildTangent Curation .wt, .wpg
ThingViewer Logo.png
Thing ThingWorld ThingViewer 109 109 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe ThingViewer Curation .tms
TurnTool Logo.png
TurnTool TurnTool XPCOM 91 91 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe TurnTool Curation .tnt
Squeak Logo.png
Squeak Etoys Plugin, Etoys, Squeak 81 81 11.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Squeak Curation .pr
Xara Plugin Logo.png
Xara Xara Plugin 75 75 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Xara Plugin Curation .web
Tcl Logo.png
Tcl Tcl Plugin 74 74 8.2 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Tcl Curation .tcl
Cult3D Logo.png
Cult3D Cycore Cult3D 71 71 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Cult3D Curation .co
BioPlayer Logo.png
bioPlayer bioVirtual bioPlayer Version 0.0.16 70 70 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe bioPlayer Curation .bio
REBOL Logo.png
REBOL REBOL 67 67 10.0 FPSoftware\startRebol.bat REBOL Curation .r
Flatland Rover Logo.png
Flatland Rover Flatland Rover 65 65 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Flatland Rover Curation .3dml
IPix Logo.png
iPix iPix Viewer 56 59 11.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe iPix Curation .ipx, .ips, .bub, .aut
Envoy Logo.png
Envoy Envoy 44 45 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Envoy Curation .evy
Sizzler Logo.png
Sizzler Netscape Sizzler Plug-in 45 45 12.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Sizzler Curation .spr, .sprite
SVG Viewer Logo.png
SVG Adobe SVG Viewer 41 41 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe SVG Viewer Curation .svg, .svgz
Flick Logo.png
Flick Flick V.BC04 Animation and Audio Player 41 41 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Flick Curation .sec, .cft
SmoothMove Panorama Logo.png
SmoothMove Panorama SmoothMove Panorama 35 35 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe SmoothMove Panorama Curation .pan
3D Groove GX Logo.png
3D Groove GX 3D Groove GX 33 33 5.3 FPSoftware\startGroove.bat Unknown if more exist yet .grv
Surround Video Logo.png
Surround Video Surround Video™ Plug-in for Netscape™ 33 33 11.0 FPSoftware\startSurroundVideo.bat Surround Video Curation .svh
VReam Logo.png
VReam VReam, WIRL Interactive VR Browser 32 32 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe VReam Curation .vre, .vrw
AnimaFlex Logo.png
AnimaFlex AnimaFlex 31 31 10.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Unknown if more exist yet .afl
AXEL Player Logo.png
AXEL AXEL Player 27 27 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe AXEL Curation .axs
NAPLPS Logo.png
NAPLPS UCL NAPLPS Viewer Plugin Personal Ver.1.0b 27 27 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe NAPLPS Curation .pdi
DPGraph Logo.png
DPGraph DPGraph, DPGraph: Dynamic Photorealistic 3D Graphing Software for Math and Physics Visualization 24 24 11.0 FPSoftware\startDPGraph.bat DPGraph Curation .dpg
WebAnimator Logo.png
WebAnimator DeltaPoint WebAnimator 22 22 11.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe WebAnimator Curation .wan
ASAP WebShow Logo.gif
ASAP WebShow ASAP WebShow, ActivePresenter WebShow 21 21 11.0 FPSoftware\startASAPWebshow.bat ASAP WebShow Curation .asp, .ap
Common Ground Logo.png
Common Ground Common Ground MiniViewer Plug-In 19 19 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Common Ground Curation .dp
MBed Logo.gif
mBed mBed Plug-in 17 17 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe mBed Curation .mbd
MHSV Logo.png
MHSV Multimedia Home Space Viewer, VHSB, Virtual Home Space Builder, D96 Plug-in Viewer, D96 Netscape Plug-in, Virtual Space Viewer 17 17 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe MHSV Curation .mus, .d96
DjVu Logo.png
DjVu DjVu Browser Plug-in 16 16 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe DjVu Curation .djvu, .djv
FreeHand Logo.png
FreeHand Adobe FreeHand, Shockwave for FreeHand, Shockwave Graphics Player 16 16 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe FreeHand Curation .fhc, .fh4, .fh5, .fh7
Alice Logo.png
Alice Carnegie Mellon University Alice99 Plugin 15 15 12.1 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Alice Curation .ali
DX Studio Player Logo.png
DX Studio DX Studio Player 15 15 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe DX Studio Player Curation .dxstudio, .dxmesh
Winds3D Logo.png
Winds3D Winds3D Plugin 15 15 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Winds3D Curation .aw3, .exe, .w3d
Fractal Viewer Logo.png
Fractal Viewer Fractal Viewer 14 14 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Fractal Viewer Curation .fif
Burster Logo.png
Burster Burster Plugin 14 14 8.2 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Burster Curation .blend, .blendz
Virtuoso Logo.png
Virtuoso Virtue3D Player plug-in 14 14 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Virtuoso Curation .vtu
DevalVR Logo.png
DevalVR DevalVR 3D Plugin 0,9,1,4 13 13 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe DevalVR Curation .dvl, .jpg, .mov
Electrifier Logo.png
Electrifier Electrifier MFC Application 13 13 13.0 FPSoftware\startBasiliskII.bat Electrifier Curation .elec
EMBLAZE Logo.png
EMBLAZE EMBLAZE Plug-in 13 13 13.0 FPSoftware\startNetscapex16.bat EMBLAZE Curation .blz
XVR Logo.png
XVR Xtreme VR 13 13 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe XVR Curation .s3d.bin
PopCap Plugin Logo.png
PopCap Plugin PopCap Plugin 12 12 5.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe All content already included .cab
ProtoPlay Logo.png
ProtoPlay Altia ProtoPlay 12 12 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .dsn (+.rtm)
Pulse Logo.png
Pulse Pulse Player 12 12 8.1 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Pulse Curation .pwc, .pws
X3D Logo.png
X3D Extensible 3D Graphics 12 13 11.0 FPSoftware\startView3dscene.bat X3D Curation .x3d, .x3dv, .x3db
Formula One NET Logo.gif
Formula One Formula One/NET 11 11 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .vts
HyperChem Logo.png
HyperChem HyperChem Web Viewer, Cow Viewer 11 11 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe HyperChem Curation .cow
PointPlus Logo.png
PointPlus PointPlus Plug-in, PointPlus Plug-in Viewer 11 11 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .css
Cyberworld Logo.png
Cyberworld Browser Cyberworld 3D Web Browser 11 11 13.0 FPSoftware\startCyberworld.bat Unknown if more exist yet .borg
HTML+TIME Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions 11 11 13.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat HTML+TIME Curation .html
MegaView Logo.png
MegaView MegaView Plugin 10 10 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe MegaView Curation .xmz
Calendar Quick Logo.png
Calendar Quick Calendar Quick Plugin 10 10 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Calendar Quick Curation .cqk
MrSID Logo.png
MrSID MrSID Browser Plug-in 10 10 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe MrSID Curation .sid
Ambulant Logo.png
Ambulant AMBULANT Open SMIL Player 9 9 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Ambulant Curation .smi, .smil, .grins
Blender Logo.png
Blender Blender 3D Web Plug-in, Blender Game Engine plugin 9 9 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Blender Curation .blend
NoteWorthy Composer Logo.png
NoteWorthy Composer NoteWorthy Composer Browser Plug-in 9 9 11.0 FPSoftware\startNoteWorthyComposer.bat NoteWorthy Composer Curation .nwc
Octree View Logo.png
Octree Octree Viewer, Octree FastView 9 9 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .oct
Jutvision Logo.png
Jutvision Jutvision Plug-In 9 12 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Jutvision Curation .jut
O2c-Player Logo.png
o2c objects to see, o2c, O2C, 02c, o2c-Player, o2c Player, o2c player 8 8 11.0 Multiple, refer to curation tutorial o2c-Player Curation .o2c, .e3d, .aco
Scorch Logo.png
Scorch Sibelius Scorch, Scorch Netscape Plugin 8 8 12.0 FPSoftware\startScorch.bat Scorch Curation .sib
Live Picture Viewer Logo.png
Live Picture Live Picture Viewer 7 8 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Live Picture Curation .ivr
Hyper-G Logo.png
Hyper-G Hyper-G Web Protocol, Hyper-G Scene Description Format 7 7 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .sdf
Jamagic Logo.png
Jamagic Jamagic 7 7 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Jamagic Curation .3dd
Petz Player Logo.png
Petz Petz Player 3, Petz Player 5 7 7 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Petz Player Curation .ply
SVF Viewer Logo.png
SVF SVF viewer, Simple Vector Format Viewer 7 7 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe SVF Curation .svf
Lightning Strike Logo.png
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike 7 7 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Lightning Strike Curation .cod, .tcod
Neuron Logo.png
Neuron Asymetrix Neuron 6 6 13.0 FPSoftware\startNeuron.bat Neuron Curation .tbk
GLG Logo.png
Glg Generic Logics Dynamic Graphics Plug-in, v. 2.4 6 6 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe GLG Plugin Curation .glg
HotSauce Logo.png
HotSauce HotSauce, Project X 6 6 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe HotSauce Curation .mcf
Pixound Logo.png
Pixound Pixound Plug-in 6 6 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .pxd
Show It! Logo.png
Show It! Corel Presentations Show It! Plug-in 6 6 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .pqi
Visual WebMap Logo.png
Visual WebMap Visual WebMap Client/Server Concept, Visual WebMap for Microstation Files 6 6 10.1 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Visual WebMap Curation .dgn, .rle, .cit, .vec
TWF Logo.png
TWF TWF Viewer/TWF OpenGL Viewer 5 5 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe TWF Curation .twf, .twfz
RealiView Logo.png
RealiView RealiView Internet Plugin 5 5 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe RealiView Curation .rbs
QuickSilver Logo.png
QuickSilver Micrografx ABC QuickSilver 5 5 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe QuickSilver Curation .drw, .ds4, .dsf
AboutPeople Logo.png
AboutPeople AboutPeople 4 4 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe AboutPeople Curation .vcf
AboutTime Logo.png
AboutTime AboutTime 4 4 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe AboutTime Curation .vef
Mirage Logo.png
Mirage MediaForge ~Mirage Plugin 4 4 13.0 FPSoftware\startMirage.bat Mirage Curation .mfg, .mfp
Cool 360 Logo.png
Cool 360 Ulead COOL 360 Plug-in 1.0 4 4 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Cool 360 Curation .upj, .uvr
Viola Logo.png
Viola ViolaWWW Hypermedia Browser 4 4 13.0 FPSoftware\startViola.bat Viola Curation .v
DeepV Logo.png
DeepV DeepV Plugin 3 3 10.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Unknown if more exist yet .DeepV
D'Fusion Logo.png
DFusion D'Fusion @Home Web Plug-In, D'Fusion Web Plugin 3 3 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe D'Fusion Curation .dpd, .dll
EGI Logo.png
EGI EGI Animation Player 3 3 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe EGI Curation .flc, .fli
Fractal eXtreme Logo.png
fractal eXtreme FXMovie Player plug-in 1.11 3 3 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe fractal eXtreme Curation .fxz
Illuminatus Logo.png
Illuminatus Illuminatus 3 3 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Illuminatus Curation .ilm, .ilz
PanoramIX Logo.png
PanoramIX PanoramIX Plugin 3 3 12.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe PanoramIX Curation .svh, .svj, .pan
Visviva Logo.png
Visviva Visviva Animation Player 3 3 12.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Visviva Curation .vobj
WebGlide Logo.png
WebGlide WebGlide Player v1.02.0092 3 3 12.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe WebGlide Curation .vpg, .wgs
GoBit Logo.png
GoBit GoBit Games Plugin 2 2 6.3 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe All content already included .cab
Harvard WebShow Logo.png
Harvard WebShow Harvard Graphics WebShow 2 2 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Harvard WebShow Curation .pr4
JCAMP-DX Logo.png
JCAMP-DX JCAMP-DX 2 2 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe JCAMP-DX Curation .jdx, .dx
MapGuide Logo.png
MapGuide Argus/Autodesk MapGuide 2 2 11.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe MapGuide Curation .class, .mwf
NetWriter Logo.png
NetWriter Netwriter Plug-in for Netscape 2 2 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe NetWriter Curation .nwr
WebXpresso Logo.png
WebXpresso WebXpresso Dynamic Graphics v2.0 2 2 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe WebXpresso Curation .xpg
Web-Active Logo.gif
Web-Active Web-Active 1.0.1b6 2 2 13.0 FPSoftware\startBasiliskII.bat Web-Active Curation .wvr
Astound Web Player Logo.png
Astound Astound Web Player 2 2 13.0 FPSoftware\startNetscapex16.bat Astound Curation .asn, .asd, .smp
SuperCard Roadster Logo.png
SuperCard SuperCard Roadster 2 2 13.0 FPSoftware\startBasiliskII.bat SuperCard Curation .sca
QuickDraw 3D Logo.jpg
QuickDraw 3D QuickDraw 3D Plugin 2 2 13.0 FPSoftware\startQD3D.bat QuickDraw 3D Curation .3dmf, .3dm, .qd3d, .qd3
20-20 3D Viewer Logo.png
20-20 3D Viewer 20-20 3D Viewer 1 1 12.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat 20-20 3D Viewer Curation .axs
Animated Widgets Logo.png
Animated Widgets Animated Widgets Plugin 1 1 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .anm
Babyz Player Logo.png
Babyz Babyz Player 1 1 13.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Babyz Player Curation .bly
CambridgeSoft ChemDraw Logo.png
ChemDraw CambridgeSoft ChemDraw, CS ChemDraw Pro Plugin 1 1 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe ChemDraw Curation .cdx
FastBid Logo.png
FastBid FastBid 1 1 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .fbs
FIGleaf Inline Logo.png
FIGLeaf FIGleaf Inline Plug-in for Netscape 1 1 12.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe FIGLeaf Curation .cgm, .jpeg, .tiff
Play3D Logo.png
Play3D Play3D Plugin 1 1 10.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .p3d
Chem3D Logo.png
Chem3D Chem3D ActiveX Control 1 1 13.0 FPSoftware\startChem3D.bat Chem3D Curation .c3d, .c3t, .ftr, .tbl, .tbt, .pdb
QuickTime Logo.png
QuickTime VR QuickTime Plug-In 1 3 13.0 FPSoftware\startQuickTime.bat QuickTime Curation .mov, .qt, .flc, .fli
SPX-Plugin Logo.png
SPX-Plugin Open SPX Plugin 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe SPX-Plugin Curation .spx
AudioGraph Logo.png
AudioGraph Netscape Plugin for AudioGraph Playback, Version 1.2.2 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe AudioGraph Curation .aep
XVL Player Logo.png
XVL Player XVL Player for Windows Ver5.3c 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startXVLPlayer.bat XVL Player Curation .xv2, .xvl, .xv3, .xsl
Z3D Logo.png
Z3D The Z3D Engine 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat Unknown if more exist yet .zxd
MetaStream Logo.png
MetaStream MetaStream Viewer Plugin 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat MetaStream Curation .mts
DirectAnimation Logo.png
DirectAnimation Microsoft Corporation DirectAnimation Plug-In 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat DirectAnimation Curation .x (for 3D objects)
Anark Client Logo.png
Anark Client Anark Media Client 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat Anark Client Curation .am
Chromeffects Logo.png
Chromeffects Microsoft Chromeffects for Windows 98 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startActiveX.bat Chromeffects Curation .x (for 3D objects)
Grail Logo.png
Grail Grail 0.6 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\startGrail.bat Unknown if more exist yet .py
O3D Logo.gif
O3D O3D Plugin 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\Firefox4\FirefoxPortable.exe O3D Curation .o3d, .o3dtgz
Chime Logo.png
Chime MDL Chime, Chemscape Chime 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Chime Curation .mol, .rxn, .pdb, .emb, .embl, .xyz, .gau, .mop, .spt, .csm, .csml, .jdx, .dx, .scr, .tgf, .skc, .cub, .cube
Concerto Logo.png
Concerto Concerto Form Control Version 1.0 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .frm
VoxelStream Logo.png
VoxelStream VoxelStream ActiveX control 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Unknown if more exist yet .vxl
PinkRabbit Viewer Logo.png
PinkRabbit Viewer PinkRabbit Viewer 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe PinkRabbit Viewer Curation .tml
QEDPlayer Logo.png
QEDPlayer QEDPlayer V1.6.0.0 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe QEDPlayer Curation .q3s, .q3z
GDL Web Plug-in Logo.png
GDL Web Plug-in GDL Web Plug-in 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe GDL Web Plug-in Curation .gsm
GLView Logo.png
GLView GLView VRML Browser 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe GLView Curation .3dv
EarthTime Logo.png
EarthTime EarthTime Lite 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe All content already included .etc
Tulip 3D Logo.png
Tulip3D Tulip Player v3.0 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Tulip3D Curation .etp, .ezp, .info
Atomic3D Logo.png
Atomic3D Atomic3D, Neutron Viewer 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe Atomic3D Curation .agp, .psq
Castle Game Engine Web Plugin Logo.png
Castle Game Engine Each game generally uses its own Castle Game Engine plugin name 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Castle Game Engine .x3d, .x3dv
PlayCom Logo.png
PlayCom PlayCom Player 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe All content already included .nbw
3DX Player Logo.png
3DX Player 3DX Player 1,0,0,6 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe 3DX Player Curation .3dx, .3dt
MatrixEngine Logo.png
MatrixEngine MatrixEngine Player ActiveX Component for InternetExplorer 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe MatrixEngine Curation .mxr
EptaPlayer Logo.png
EptaPlayer EptaPlayer for Internet Explorer 4.x and later 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe EptaPlayer Curation .wgf, .wsf, .str
CrazyTalk Logo.png
CrazyTalk CrazyTalk Player 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe CrazyTalk Curation .tps, .tjm
VirtusPlayer Logo.png
VirtusPlayer Virtus Player playback and distribution utility 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe VirtusPlayer Curation .vpy, .ccd, .wsb, .vvr, .wtp, .wlk
DigiMask Logo.png
DigiMask Digimask Public Viewer 0 0 14.0 FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe DigiMask Curation .dmk

Upcoming Platforms

Platforms which are ready for addition to future Flashpoint updates and versions, but not in the current version. Curations for these platforms are accepted, assuming you have added the support packs to Flashpoint. Example curations for these platforms can be downloaded and tested from FPFSS. Support packs can be found on Discord or in this folder (which should be migrated soon).

As of 2025-02-15, there are 6 upcoming platforms.

Logo Short Name Official Name Version Added Default Application Curation Tutorial Common File Extensions
3D VRX Viewer Logo.png
3D VRX Viewer Synthonics' 3D VRX™ NetViewer TBA FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe 3D VRX Viewer Curation .vrx
ActiveHead Logo.png
ActiveHead ActiveHead ActiveX Control Module TBA FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe ActiveHead Curation .hc
FireBreath Logo.png
FireBreath Each game generally uses its own FireBreath plugin name TBA FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Each game needs to be compiled separately
NPVR Logo.png
NPVR NPVR, vr.js TBA FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe Unknown if more exist yet
HD View Logo.png
HD View HD View Mozilla plugin TBA FPSoftware\fpnavigator-portable\FPNavigator.exe HD View Curation .hds
Gears Logo.png
Gears Google Gears TBA FPSoftware\Chromium11\ChromiumPortable.exe Unknown if more exist yet

Work in Progress

The following platforms are actively being worked on for implementation to Flashpoint. However, support for them is not yet complete. You are encouraged to assist in the implementation of these platforms into Flashpoint if you have the necessary skills.

Note that this section only includes technologies which have had a significant amount of work put into implementing them or have support packs ready but can't be added yet due to a specific factor. A more comprehensive list of technologies which may be added in a future update can be found in Technologies to Add.

Logo Short Name Official Name Version Added Curation Tutorial Common File Extensions
Panda3D Logo.png
Panda3D Panda3D Plugin TBA Panda3D Curation .p3d

Out of scope Platforms

In general we do not accept the following platforms

  • Anything that just reads PDFs: Obviously, anyone can open PDF files up without the use of a plugin.
  • Any image viewer with files that can easily be accessed: If you can open it up in or whatever real easy, it doesn't need to be a plugin.
  • Any audio plugin with little or no interactivity: If a game requires it, it can be added, it can't be distinguished as a platform though.
  • Any video plugin: Most of the time, VLC can easily view these files.

Also, these specific platforms listed below is not within in the scope of Flashpoint:

  • Rubik's Games Plugin : Level loading
  • Stereoscope : Java Engine
  • Disney Motion : Interactive video viewer
  • PowerPoint Animation Player: Files can be easily viewed via LibreOffice, or using online converters.
  • Techxplorer: Just text files.

See also

Appendix II: Additional Applications

The Additional Applications metadata field can be used to add Messages, Extras, or Alternates to a curation. If you're using Flashpoint Core, you can add these through the "New App", "Add Extras", and "Add Message" buttons at the bottom of each curation in the "Curate" tab. Each of these items is explained in detail below.


Use the Message sub-field to add a short, one-line message that pops up before a game runs. You'll want to use this if there's something that Flashpoint users need to know before playing a game. If you have less-important information about the game, use the Notes field instead. You can only have one message per curation. In Flashpoint Core, use the "Add Message" button at the bottom of the curation to add a message.

For example, here is the Additional Applications field of a game that starts in fullscreen and is difficult to close:

Additional Applications:
    Message: This game starts in fullscreen. To exit, alt-tab and close the window in the taskbar.


Extras allow you to include a folder of bonus materials with your curation. If you would like to include files related to a game that are not required to play it, such as source code or unlockable items, this is how you can do it:

  1. Inside your curation's folder, next to the content folder, create a folder called Extras.
  2. Place all of the bonus materials you would like to include inside of the Extras folder.
  3. In the Notes field, add a short explanation of what's included in the Extras folder.
  4. In the Additional Applications field, add an Extras sub-field like this: Extras: gamename. If you're using Flashpoint Core, press the "Add Extras" button at the bottom of the curation and type in "gamename" for folder instead. You can only have one extras folder per curation.

For example, here is the Additional Applications field of a game called Tokyo Guinea Pop. The curation's Extras folder contains unlockable items from the game's original website.

Additional Applications:
    Extras: tokyoguineapop


Alternates allow you to add alternate versions of a game into the same curation. This is commonly used to add older versions of a game, alternate languages of a game, or hacked versions from sites like Arcade Prehacks. Note that all of the files required to run an Alternate should be included in the content folder of your curation, along with the files for the main version.

To add an alternate to the Additional Applications field, include a Heading, with an Application Path and Launch Command indented under it.

For example, the curation of a game called Drop 3 includes a hacked version. Here is the Additional Applications field of this curation:

Additional Applications:
    Play Hacked Version:
        Application Path: FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe
        Launch Command:

If you're using the Curate tab of Flashpoint Core, you can use the "New App" button at the bottom of the curation to add alternates.