Broken Games

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This page lists games known to be broken or Not Working. It also lists games known to be broken in Flashpoint Infinity but working in Flashpoint Ultimate. We're hoping to shrink these lists in future versions, so if you see a game here you want to play, check back in a few months.

Not Working

This is a list of all games that are currently broken or listed as Not Working in Flashpoint.

Game Platform Reason
Derpy Shape Game Flash Gameplay is broken, cannot place blocks
Ezender Keeper HTML5 Stuck on loading screen (Pending patch will fix this)
Face Out HTML5 Doesn't start
Harvester Vitalize Stuck on loading screen, says it requires a fast CPU
Inxsys Unity Stuck on title screen, requires server
Inishie Dungeon Flash Needs better server emulation
The Chronicles of GabeN Winter Sale Pinball Unity Controls don't work
Doctor Who: Attack of the Graske Flash Blank screen, requires RTMP
Jetpack Brontosaurus Unity Missing PHP scripts
Hypraxis HTML5 Game freezes after sounds play
Mr. Bartos RPG Battle Demo Vitalize Game crashes after entering battle, may be because of nfloop.cox being hotfixed
Nowhere Boys: The 5th Boy Unity Requires HTTPS removal and PHP
Platform Engine Vitalize Game crashes after loading
Super Ken Senshi Vitalize Game freezes, could require online gameplay
Thunderbird 2 Rescue Challenge Flash Stuck on loading screen, missing files
Collapse! Flash Stuck on loading screen, may need hacking
Collapse Flash Missing assets

Broken in Infinity

There are currently no games that don't work in Flashpoint Infinity but do in Ultimate.