Submitting a Curation

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  1. Head to the Flashpoint Discord server. If you haven't curated before, upload your submission to #curator-lounge on Discord and wait for a Curator to check it. If your submission is valid, you will be given a special Trial Curator role that will allow you to post messages in the Curations channels. Otherwise, you'll be able to correct your submission.
  2. If you are submitting a Flash game, upload your curation to the Flash Game Submissions page. If you're submitting a game that uses a different technology like Shockwave or Java, use the Other Game Submissions page. Or, if you're submitting an animation, use the Animation Submissions page.
  3. Wait until your curation has finished uploading. If the upload was successful, you'll see a "Delete" link appear. You can use this link if you need to delete and resubmit your curation.
  4. In the Flashpoint Discord server, post a message with your submission's title to the appropriate Curations channel. If you are submitting a non-Flash game, you may use one of the server's web technology emojis to specify what platform your game runs in. For example, you might post a message like this: :java: Realspace 2 - Emperor's Revenge