
From Flashpoint Datahub
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This is a draft of a new page for FPFSS testing instructions. It is unfinished.

This guide is intended to help Staff Members with testing submissions on the FPFSS.

How To Test Using the FPFSS

Checking Metadata

This list contains the basic requirements for each metadata field, however this is not a complete list of all ways that the metadata can be correct or incorrect. If you're unsure whether something is allowed, you should ask in one of the staff channels.

Field Requirements
Title and Alternate Title Titles should:
  • Roughly match the submission's logo (if it has one).
  • Not have spelling errors.

Along with the above, Alternate Titles should:

  • Not be a shorter version of the Main Title.
  • Not be the same text as the Main Title. For example, an Alternate Title which is the same as the Main Title but with different capitalization should be removed.
Library The Library field should be:
  • Games if the submission contains some interactive element beyond a start menu or play button.
  • Animations if the submission contains no interactivity beyond a start menu or play button.
Series The Series field should:
  • Not be the franchise it relates to, a Franchise Tag should be added to the curation instead if it isn't already.
- e.g. a Mario game should have the Super Mario tag and not "Super Mario" in the Series field.
Developer and Publisher Changes should be requested for either of these two fields if:
  • The field is wrong.
  • There is nothing in the field despite Developer or Publisher is shown in an obvious place in the game/animation.
  • There are significant spelling errors that would prevent the submission from being properly searched for.

You don't need to request changes for differences in how the Developer or Publisher's name is written. For example Addicting Games, AddictingGames, and are different ways people could write the same Publisher. In the future Flashpoint may have a way to unify these spellings, but for now they don't matter.

Tags Changes should be requested if:
  • The tags are irrelevant to the curation.
  • The curation is missing Content Warning or NSFW tags.
  • There is a tag used which is not on the Tags wiki page.
  • The curation has no Gameplay (or Animation) Tags or if the Gameplay tags it has are incorrect.
  • The LEGACY-Extreme tag is used. This tag should not be added to any new submissions.
Play Mode Changes should be requested if the Play Mode is missing supporting modes or if the listed mode is incorrect.
Status Changes should be requested if:
  • The Status is incorrect.
  • The submission is labeled as Partial or Hacked and has no Note explaining why.
Version and Release Date These fields are only incorrect if the information is wrong. The information being missing is not something that needs to have changes requested for.
Language The Language field should:
  • Include all languages present in the work, regardless of whether it's written or spoken.
  • Use the two letter ISO 639-1 language codes, unless the language doesn't have a two letter code. In these cases the three letter code can be used.
  • Works which have no text or spoken language in them should have either en or the language that the Title is, if not English. Either is correct.
Source The Source field should:
  • Be the full URL of where the curator found the game.
  • If the curation was not sourced from a webpage, there will be some other way of indicating where it came from, e.g. a game from a CD should have the name of the CD.
Platform Changes should be requested if this field is incorrect.

For information specific to each Platform go to #Platform Specific Requirements.

Application Path Changes should be requested if the Application Path:
  • Is incorrect for the submission's Platform.
  • Is invalid or otherwise not working.

Platform Specific Requirements