Curation Format/meta

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Revision as of 07:04, 20 January 2025 by Al 2712 (talk | contribs) (Added Mount Parameter page link)
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Field Explanation
Title* Always required. The name of the game, in full. When in doubt, use the name indicated in the game's logo. Use the game's official title; don't add anything to it, such as a franchise or series name, if it doesn't exist in the game's title. For games without a logo, use the title of the game's webpage or the text on the webpage that's most clearly intended to be the game's title. Avoid excessively long titles whenever possible.
Alternate Titles Alternate titles that can also be used to refer to the game. For example, an alternate name for Gateway II is Gateway 2. You also may use this to indicate the title of the game in other languages. Normal rules pertaining to Title field do not apply. Use ; to separate multiple values. If your title has a roman numeral or an ampersand (&) in it, please include an alternative title with the numeral/symbol replaced with the number/word.
Library* Required if you are curating an animation for Flashpoint Theatre. Possible values:
  • Arcade: This is a game that should go in Flashpoint Arcade (the Games section).
  • Theatre: This is an animation that should go in Flashpoint Theatre (the Animations section).
Series The name of the specific-to-webgames series. This is for games that have prequels and sequels, such as Run, Run 2, and Run 3. Make sure you're not confusing a game's series with its franchises (e.g., The Fairly OddParents or Pokémon), which go into the Tags field.
Developer The name of the developer(s) who made the game. Separate multiple developers with ; . Make sure that each person or game studio actually developed the game; sponsorship does not count. Look for a Credits section! If a developer is known by multiple names or aliases, you may separate each with a slash, like this: Alias 1 / Alias 2
Publisher The name of the site(s) that published (sponsored/branded) the game. Look for a "More Games" link or prominent logo; it will probably lead to the Publisher's website.
Play Mode Can be either one, two, or all three of these values:
  • Single Player: A solo experience from start to finish.
  • Cooperative: Like "Single Player", but with others being in the journey of finishing the game from start to finish.
  • Multiplayer: Playing against someone else or multiple players in a session, competing to win.

For example, a fighting game where you can play against another player or the computer would be Single Player; Multiplayer.

Status* Can be either one, two, or all three of these values:
  • Playable: Game is fully playable from beginning to end.
  • Partial: Game is missing files, impacting the player's experience. You'll need to elaborate further in the Notes.
  • Hacked: Game has been hacked or modified to work in Flashpoint. Use the Notes field to explain what has been modified. If you hack a game, you MUST also include the original, unhacked file(s) in your curation, either as extras or in the same folder as the hacked file(s).

If a game has been hacked, and missing assets make it impossible to finish the game, its status would be Hacked; Partial. If a game is playable from beginning to end, but missing assets impact the player's experience, then its status would be Playable; Partial.

There is one additional status that should only be used in exceptional circumstances:

  • Not Working: Titles that are currently unplayable. We always prefer titles to be working in Flashpoint, but we may still accept not working titles for preservation and in the hopes someone can make them work in the future. Notes are required to explain why the title does not work. This status may be used along with the Partial status if the game is unplayable due to missing files.
Release Date The date that the game was first released. Use YYYY-MM-DD format, with whatever precision is available. For example, if you knew a game was released in January 2010, you could say 2010-01.
Version The version number of the game. This is for revisions of the same game, not games in series. Leave this field blank if the game's version number is not clearly shown somewhere.
Languages* Required if you are curating a game that supports languages other than English.

A list of all languages that the game supports, including the languages supported by any alternate versions. Use ISO 639-1 language codes and separate each code with ; . For example, if a game supports English and Spanish, you would say en; es. Defaults to en. If the curation uses a language without an ISO 639-1 code, ISO 639-3 language codes are acceptable.

Tags* See Tags. Pay special attention to the tags in the Content Warnings section, because these are required if they apply to the game you are curating. To add a tag, first type it into the meta field, then select it by either clicking on it or pressing the Tab key until it is highlighted and hitting Enter. You can add a new tag to Infinity by typing it into the meta field, hitting Enter, and then following the normal process.
Source* The full URL of the webpage where you found the work. If one is not available, such as if you got it from Wayback CDX, the .swf url is acceptable as a source also. If you found the work on the Wayback Machine, give the full capture URL.

If the work is executable/downloadable, use the webpage where the work can be downloaded. Otherwise, provide the name/title of the offline source, along with the medium of the source. Ex: Dora the Explorer Click & Create! CD-ROM. Tags exist for both of these sources also, so use any applicable Source Tags.

If the work is taken from a personal collection or extracted from a browser's cache, use Personal Archive or Personal Archive: (Name/Username).

Platforms* The web game technologies that the game uses. See Platforms for a list of supported platforms and links to platform-specific curation tutorials. One Platform must be marked as Primary; this is the technology used for the majority of the game's important content. Note that a game is only considered to be HTML5 if it does not require any browser plugin.

If your curation omits this field, the Platform is assumed to be Flash. This field is required for all non-Flash curations.

Application Path* The path to the application to use to launch the game. This path is relative to the main Flashpoint folder. For example, the Application Path for most Flash games is FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe.
Launch Command* The location of your file inside the content folder, replicating an internet URL. This is case-sensitive. Never have https:// at the beginning of a Launch Command, as it will not work properly; ALWAYS use http://. Flashpoint DOES NOT have HTTPS support. If you found the game on the Wayback Machine, the launch command is the original URL, without the section (same goes for the folder structure inside the content folder).

This field is always required. If you're having trouble figuring out the correct launch command for your curation, see the Curation Tutorial.

Mount Parameters Allows passing certain parameters to game zip related launcher extensions which may alter the way games are mounted. This is only used for specific edge cases, so most curators can safely ignore this field.

Details on Mount Parameters and when to use them are here.

Notes Use this field for important information about the game not explained in the game itself, metadata sources (if it does not come from the title's Source), or any other relevant information about a title. For example, Notes can provide details about cheat codes, missing assets, hacked files, or unimplemented features.
Original Description If a game's webpage contains a description of the game or its controls, you may copy and paste it into this field. If you can't find a description on the game's webpage, you can check the page source for the <meta name="description"> HTML tag.
Curation Notes Use this field to show a message to staff if they need to add your curation in a different way from usual, such as if it requires a new Support Pack to be added. These are removed when a curation is added to Flashpoint.
Additional Applications Use this section to add a message that pops up before a game runs, a link to an Extras folder, or an alternate version of a game. For more details, see the Appendix.