Frozen Titles

From Flashpoint Datahub
Revision as of 00:29, 22 September 2024 by Childishbeat (talk | contribs) (Added a mention of software licenses to the first bullet point to avoid potential confusion, including some of the more common ones in the software world)
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An example of a Frozen title. Note the Play Online button.

Frozen titles are works that have been archived on our servers, wherein all the metadata and game files are saved, but they are not playable. Its Play button is instead replaced by a Play Online button, which will open the Source URL in your browser when clicked. Additionally, instead of saying GameZIP or Legacy title above the button, it says Archived.

Currently, the only works that are frozen are less than 3 years old. Once they are 3 years old, they are unfrozen. If a developer/publisher asks us to freeze one of their titles, they will be frozen, but currently, no one has asked for that. It is preferred over them taking their works completely off of Flashpoint. The current Not Accepted Curations entries will not be added to Flashpoint and frozen.

Frozen works can also be unfrozen if:

  • Their developer/publisher explicitly says they can be redistributed. Some Terms of Service or software licenses (eg. GPL, MIT, Apache, BSD, CC0, MPL, etc.) do mention this, so it is worth checking.
  • Their developer/publisher explicitly gives Flashpoint permission to host their content, or if they submit their content themselves. It is not recommended to reach out to developers to ask for permission. Reminder: Any communication done to developers/publishers without Staff clearance is an immediately bannable offense on our server.
  • Their original source is taken down/offline, especially if the game was only meant for a limited time.

When reporting a game to be unfrozen, include proof that it can be unfrozen, i.e., show that the original source is down, or show the specific ToS wording that says redistribution is allowed. Staff have the final say on whether something should be unfrozen or not.